
3.75 Stars ~ Review by Brandilyn
Ever have a book that you want to read, but then everyone scares you off of reading it because you know it is going to rip out your heart? Eventually that book is so built up in your mind, that you know exactly what to expect when you read it. You crack open the kindle with a box of tissues within arms reach and you go to town. Then… nothing happens. You read a little further, but still… nothing happens. You just KNOW the second half is where the tears will come, so you sit it aside. That way you can savor it, but… you guessed it, nothing happens. Not even a tugged heartstring.
I wanted to love this book. I really did love JT. I wanted what was best for him. I wanted him to find his happiness. I wanted him to find home. To find family. I did not, however, want that family to be Brett. I just didn’t like him. I didn’t HATE him; I just didn’t feel anything for him. I wanted better for JT. I wanted someone who could give their whole heart to JT, not shoehorn JT around the “love of his life”...
Read more at Prism Book Alliance
Ever have a book that you want to read, but then everyone scares you off of reading it because you know it is going to rip out your heart? Eventually that book is so built up in your mind, that you know exactly what to expect when you read it. You crack open the kindle with a box of tissues within arms reach and you go to town. Then… nothing happens. You read a little further, but still… nothing happens. You just KNOW the second half is where the tears will come, so you sit it aside. That way you can savor it, but… you guessed it, nothing happens. Not even a tugged heartstring.
I wanted to love this book. I really did love JT. I wanted what was best for him. I wanted him to find his happiness. I wanted him to find home. To find family. I did not, however, want that family to be Brett. I just didn’t like him. I didn’t HATE him; I just didn’t feel anything for him. I wanted better for JT. I wanted someone who could give their whole heart to JT, not shoehorn JT around the “love of his life”...
Read more at Prism Book Alliance